Thursday, December 31, 2020

For the New Year and Beyond

photo taken on walk, December 2020

Hear this blessing in song featuring Kids from Different Nations. Beautiful.

With wishes for a blessed and healthy new year to all who stop by here at Words and Such. This post marks the completion of eleven years of blogging. What a rich and blessed ride it has been. Thanks to all whom I've met on the journey and any who randomly drop by. May all your (writing and otherwise) dreams come true.

Happy New Year!

Monday, November 30, 2020

On Kind Words: a Japanese Proverb

one day at the end of November 2020


Monday, October 26, 2020

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Monday, August 31, 2020

Friday, July 31, 2020

Poesy vs. Posy

dayflower July 2020
Poesy (n)--poetical works, poetry, the work or the art of poetic composition (archaic); from Latin poesis, to create

Posy (n)--a flower or a bunch of flowers, a bouquet or nosegay

Poesy vs. posy. The words are similar in pronunciation. The values assigned to each have similar characteristics--beauty, wonder, creativity. I discovered this little marvel of a posy along the roadside on a recent walk, the dayflower. So named because it blooms for only one day. How timely I came along just on that day. As Keats says, poesy should be a friend to soothe the cares and lift thoughts. Stumbling on a chance wildflower is like a friend as well. This posy in particular makes me think of a skier with her legs extended out of the ski lift high above the mountain!

Random and serendipitous flowers and sometimes poetry, too. Have you stumbled unexpectedly upon either one that has lifted your thoughts lately?

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

One Word at a Time

on June walk 2020
I found myself drawn to the latest revelation of roadside weeds, this specimen now proliferating up the hill where I walk. A bold plant, tall and strong and with wooly leaves, I wondered what it could be. Turns out it is mulleina giant spike of a plant that comes from the snapdragon family and sports bright, compact yellow flowers. Throughout history the plant has gone by various names, including candlewick plant since it was used in Roman times as a torch, as well as Jacob's staff and Aaron's rod. But is it only a weed, or does it have any value?

Well, who knew? Although considered bothersome and weedy by some, others claim it has benefits for respiratory health. I don't know how true this is, but one can find a mullein tea on the market. What I do know is that the plant caught my attention when I chose to really  look. The flowers are beautiful and the plant's presence is certainly dramatic up and down the landscape.

Staying observant, being attentive, fostering curiosity--all can play into creativity and imaginative directions in our lives. So why not stay curious and tune in, one marvel at a time? And if we take it one word (especially a kind word, a caring, encouraging, appreciative, valuing word) at a time, maybe Stephen King's writing advice can be adapted to life itself, transforming what might seem like weeds in our relationships into beneficial flowers. Yes, one (healing) word at a time...