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"In the end, what makes a plot twist effective? It's not difficult to give a friend a present they never would have expected. But one sign of a good friendship is that you can give your friend a present that they never would have expected, perhaps never would have even guessed they wanted, but are still delighted to have. That's the sign of a good plot twist as well." --Dave King, "Playing it Straight with Plot Twists," at davekingedits.com
Pulling again from my archives over the last nine years of blogging, I offer The Unexpected: 5 Tips on Plot Twists. This post first appeared in February 2012 and ranks in the top-10-list of my most viewed posts ever. Maybe you, like me, would like (might even need?) a review. Here goes:
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
The Unexpected: 5 Tips on Plot Twists
"Creativity comes from looking for the unexpected and stepping outside your own experiences."
--Masaru Ibuka
The jolt, when it hit, was palpable. Nothing really big, but a hit all the same.
I was on my morning walk, approaching the turnaround point at the curve. The scene is so familiar at this particular spot--that of an old barn that for years was a picturesque fixture of the landscape. In fact, I often told myself that I should bring my camera and get a picture of it. Admittedly the barn was dilapidated and abandoned, but it had such character built as it was on a stone foundation with weathered boards that had seen many a day. It shouted history--even a story or two. I'd even analyzed the angle from which to take the shots. Yes, one day I would do that.

The barn was gone.
Razed. Obliterated. Kaput. The bulldozer's job had already been done. The landscape was forever changed. What a twist that revelation brought to my morning!
Well, as is so often the case, thoughts went from personal disappointment over a lost photo op to the question of how such an event could be useful in plotting our stories. How can we use the unpredictable, the unexpected, surprises, twists and turns in order to keep our readers reading? And why?
Scanning several sources, I uncovered five tips on plot twists:
1. Predictable to Unpredictable. Barbara Dunlap, autocrit, defines plot twists as: "anytime something unexpected happens in a story that changes its fundamental direction. Where the characters and the plot are moving along in a direction that feels predictable then something happens to alter that predictability, that's a plot twist."
2. But...There's No Formula. Janice Hardy, at The Other Side of the Story, gives great advice about plot twists related to reader expectations. She writes, "We're all looking for a great plot twist, right? Be it in the books we write or the ones we read. That unexpected event or revelation that changes everything we thought we knew and takes it to a whole new level. The things that make us go, 'wow, that was awesome. I never saw that coming.' Trouble is, knowing you want one is a lot easier than coming up with one. There is no formula for devising a great twist, because every plot is different and any number of things can work in a story. My trick for twisting my plot is pretty simple: Reader expectations...You want to give readers what they expect, but not in the way they expect it."
3. Murphy's Law. Ansel Dibell in his book, Plot, suggests we play with Murphy's Law. "Try to think of what, within that fundamental situation, could go surprisingly wrong, yet seem believable and reasonable, within that context, when it happens...Your twist must satisfy and improve upon what it substitutes for, not just change it to something else."
4. Connect the Dots. This from Amanda Hannah, at YA Highway: "Most surprises need to have some roots grounded early in the book--little whispers that could hint at something to come. Things that the reader might not consciously pick up on at first, but once the surprise is discovered, they can connect all the dots together."
5. Multiple Implications. Scott Edelstein, in The Writer's Book of Checklists, amps plot twists up another notch. He says, "Look for events, developments, and twists that work in two or more ways at once, or that have multiple implications, meanings, or consequences. These can be among the most powerful elements in any piece of fiction."
Maybe we won't surprise our readers with a barn in one scene, only to find it unexpectedly leveled in another, but we do want to provide them with the occasional jolt that keeps them reading. What about you? How do you plan for the unexpected in your stories? Any outstanding plot twists you've read and marveled at recently?
And, now, back to the present: Re-reading this post gave me pause to ask myself, what books have I read recently in whose pages lay memorable plot twists? My list includes:
Cold Mountain, by Charles Frazier
Empty Places, by Kathy Cannon Wiechman
Waiting for Augusta, by Jessica Lawson
The Girl in the Torch, by Robert Sharenow
The Unfinished Angel, by Sharon Creech
Other lists, other compilers:
Favorite, Most Shocking Plot Twists, Goodreads
Novels with Best Plot Twists, Goodreads
10 Children's Books with Surprise Endings, thechaosandtheclutter.com
Any books with memorable plot twists you might recommend? What are you currently reading?