
Thursday, January 18, 2018

Knitted Personalities and a Word or Two

December 2017 knitting  projects
"Knitting is very conducive to thought. It is nice to knit a while, put down the needles, 
write a while, then take up the sock again." --Dorothy Day

"...then take up the sock..." or the bear, three colorful mice, a mermaid, lizard or ball depending on the project at hand!

The end of 2017 for us not only saw special holiday opportunities with family and friends but also a couple of grandkid December birthdays. And so the knitting needles were maybe busier than the keyboard, but that was okay. The fun of starting with two pointed sticks and a skein of color and watching a personality unfold brought personal enjoyment coupled with the anticipation of the joy for the receiver. Who has more fun, the knitter or the giftee?

And, just yesterday, almost three weeks into a new year, we learned that two of those personalities finally arrived at their destination. Miss Cranberry Bear and Mr. Stripey Lizard made it all the way to a three-year old and a seven-year old in Spain, after being enroute about ten days. If the toys could talk, what stories might they tell of their adventures crossing the ocean? Just the thought of it--whimsical little companions traveling the world--stirs a storyteller's imagination. "A knitter only appears to be knitting yarn," says Dr. SunWolf. "Also being knitted are winks, mischief, sighs, fragrant possibilities, wild dreams." 

Sounds like a description of a writer, too :-)

Knitting is not for everyone, of course. And thankfully there are multiples of creative activities to choose from. The varieties are endless. What about you? Do you enjoy a craft that encourages possibilities and wild dreams in your writing? Maybe painting or coloring or scrapbooking that helps inspire writing thoughts? Journaling, poetry, or the fun of writing prompts? Anything that loosens the flow of words? Is there something new this year you'd like to try?

Here's to a year of having fun with our writing, no matter the form it takes. Who knows what seas we'll travel!


  1. What charming gifts these were. I'm sure they will be favorites of your grandkids for years and years.

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth :-) I must still be a kid at heart because they've become my favorites, too! And it was neat to think of the intended receiver as I knitted--special connections for sure...

  2. You are a talented knitter! I'm sure your grandchildren will treasure their gifts. All I can manage when knitting or crocheting are rectangular scarves. :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope you are feeling better. We had a go round with the flu too, and are grateful to be past that. So happy to see the sun and temps above 30 degrees today. Blessings to you and yours for the new year. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Sometimes rectangular patterns, or maybe squares, are good, Karen! I remember when I got back to knitting a few years ago after years of putting it aside--my dad was in the hospital and I started a patchwork afghan. The squares didn't take much thought and were very portable, perfect for my situation at the time. And yes, the flu has hung around longer than one would want, but we are getting better! Wishing you a great weekend in turn...

  3. Your gifts are adorable! I'm sure your grandchildren loved getting them!

    I used to knit - a few baby sweaters and blankets, an afghan or two, things like that. Now, of course, the keyboard gets most of my attention. I don't have time for many crafts anymore (another thing I used to do in my "pre-writing" days), but I do have an adult coloring book that I take out occasionally. As advertised, it is very calming.

    1. Peggy, it's great to hear you're giving most attention to writing (next to work of course)! That means you're making progress. Congratulations and may this be a great writing year for you. Cheering you on. And adult coloring books? They appeal to me but I'm afraid if I start that I'll just zone out and fill my time with it, so I'm going to pass on that for now :-)

  4. You are so talented! My daughter knits, and it is a huge hobby with women in these parts. I don't knit but I do scrapbook (or think about scrapbooking!). Actually, my scrapbooking room just got a makeover, which I plan to blog about in a week or two.

    Get well soon.

    1. I remember pictures of your scrapbooking room, Cathy--you have quite collection of supplies as I recall. Scrapbooking is a very creative endeavor, so I think that complements your writing skills, too. Enjoy the makeover. Looking forward to seeing how it turns out!
