
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Brain Boosts and Insights: 5 Links

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"I like nonsense; it wakes up the brain cells." --Dr. Seuss

June: we're fast approaching the half-way mark of the year. Can you believe it? How are we doing on the writing goals we set in January? Do we need a boost--maybe a brain boost, insights on how the brain works, or just simple inspiration? Sharing some links on the subject...enjoy!

1. Can You Boost Your Brain Power--and Your Health--by Writing Every Day? (Yes!), by Mary Carroll Moore

2. Why Your Brain Loves Good Storytelling, by Paul J. Zak

3. The Science of Storytelling: Why Telling a Story is the Most Powerful Way to Activate Our Brains, by Leo Widrich

4. Your Brain on Fiction, by Annie Murphy Paul

5. How Does Writing Affect Your Brain?, an infographic by Micaela Lacy


  1. Groan. Don't remind me that the year is half over! I have so much I want to accomplish this year! Thank you for the links!

  2. Terri, you are so welcome for the links--I share them not only for others but for a prod on myself. The brain power needs recharged over this way if I'm going to accomplish all i've got planned, too! Good luck with all that you have on your plate. May the last half of the year be your most productive yet :-)

  3. I have not read any of these books, but the titles/topics make good sense to me. Educators have known for ages that writing is a way of learning. For example, when you answer an essay question, you have to organize the information so it makes sense.

    To me, fiction is even more demanding, especially fantasy. You actually create the world in which the characters live. And then you have to make sure you stick to the rules you created. No wonder I feel so tired at the end of a good writing day! (Now I need to figure out why I feel so tired at the end of a BAD writing day.)

  4. Peggy, the links are to on-line articles, you might enjoy checking them out :-) And I know your brain is wired for good storytelling--your "WindSinger" is proof of that. The fatigue at the end of a bad writing day? Maybe it's just from your brain working overtime! Thanks for sharing...
