
Friday, May 17, 2013

Plot Ponderings, Again

"There is only one plot--things are not what they seem." --Jim Thompson

Wandering the avenues of plot this weekend. Hope to make a few inroads!

How about you, any adventures planned?


  1. Cheering you on! Have a great weekend! :)

  2. You've read my mind. I'm struggling with a plot point right now. And, yes, things are not as they seem. I love that photo, by the way. Maybe I can get some inspiration from it!

  3. I'm getting tired of standing inside the story, and so I'm planning to work on a scene-by-scene synopsis this weekend instead. Bird's eye view. I'm just short of having a proposal ready to send to June and later RWA contests for the YA romance that did pretty well, but didn't final, in the Golden Heart. Having worked those first three chapters over this past week, they're better now.

  4. Thanks, Karen. Happy weekend back to you :-)

    Peggy, good luck in working out that sticky plot point. Hopefully you'll wake up one morning and it will have resolved itself overnight. Ha. If we could only be that lucky, huh?

    Cathy, good luck to you on your scene synopsis. Sounds like a good way to re-evaluate the story and keep the momentum going. And congratulations on the encouragement you got in your YA romance. Wishing you the best as you send out your proposal and submit to other contests, too. I just received yet another rejection on my query, so more submissions are in order for me this week :-)

  5. Sorry about the rejection, Kenda. They say that if you get about ten on a query, it's time to revamp the query. Not sure if this helps you, but I thought I'd throw it out.

    1. Thanks for the tip, Cathy. This was actually the first submission with a newly revised query, again! Can't count how many times I've tweaked it. Always a work in progress, it seems :-)

    2. It does seem like an endless cycle, sometimes!

  6. Working on plots and subplots as I write this. Have been doing a lot of musings in my head rather than on paper--kind of like daydreaming only about fictional characters :)

  7. I love your quote above that there is only one plot: Things are not what they seem." That's it in a nutshell, and something I should print on a card and paste above my work area. I'm working out a plot for Book Two of my Victorian mystery series. Good luck in your "wanderings".

  8. That' such a great photo to depict the quote! My weekend didn't involve writing...lots of basketball for my daughter and attending a graduation open house as well as church.

  9. Kenda, just wanted to let you know I've given you a Sunshine award. I realize you gave me an award a couple of years ago, and I wasn't able to follow up at that time (I was immersed in the A-Z challenge), but if you're interested, YOU now have another award. Looks like it's one you haven't received before. ;)

    1. Thanks, Cathy! We can all use a little sunshine, appreciate you sending a little my way :-)

  10. It was nice to see you on my blog today! Honestly, I don't expect hardly anyone to show up and that's ok. It's been so long but seeing a few familiar faces was so nice. Working on some plots of my own here:)

  11. Hi Kenda. Have decided to join your blog! I see you all the time at Cathy's wordsworldandwings (my good friend on and offline. I love that you are learning a new language to communicate with your grandchildren. Mine are part Chinese but the language is too difficult for my 'aging' brain. I only know a few words. Thankfully, their mom is from Singapore and speaks perfect English!

  12. Love the pic. I am working on the plot of my first book in the trilogy.

  13. Hi, Terri--nice to see you, too!

    And nice to meet you, Sharon. Thanks for the follow :-) Wish I could say I'm learning new languages but truth be told, I'm sure glad my grandkids are bilingual! I'm not making much progress, though the goal is always out there...

    Rachna, cheering you on as you plot the first book in a trilogy. What an ambitious undertaking! Good luck, and keep us posted on your progress :-)

  14. Great quote! I need to keep it in mind as I revise!
