
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Mid-Week Inspiration

"A story isn't about a moment in time, a story is about the moment in time." --W.D. Wetherell

Managing to meet some word count goals this week--cheers for hitting a target for new words not just rearranging old ones! But I'm still searching for the moment in time in my new WIP. How about you? How are writerly things and new year's targets looking over your way this week?


  1. What a wonderful quote! Something to think on, that's for sure. Hitting a few targets here, and aiming for several more. :)

  2. I'm writing just about every spare minute these days. Trying to finish a first draft on my current book before the conference in two weeks, I've written several chapters since the new year began. If I don't burn out, I might make it. :)

  3. I've been putting some good work time in this week on a new project. I've also been polishing, for the umpteenth time, what I thought was a finished project each morning. Hope to have it submitted soon. And on Sunday I submitted an easy reader through an online submission form. I expect to collapse really soon and spend February doing almost nothing :)

  4. That quote! Love it! My latest project is going to be a bear and I haven't quite tackled it yet.

  5. Kenda, I love your photo. For the past three weeks I've been neck deep in an agent search. I have finally compiled a long list and will begin querying in about two weeks, after I get back from Southern California.

  6. Thanks for stopping in, everyone!

    Karen--sounds like the new year's momentum is going well for you, glad to know you're hitting some targets, too :-)

    Peggy--I'm impressed at your progress, and know what an incentive a conference can be. Good luck, and wishing you well at the conference. Can't wait to hear all about it!

    Catherine--your accomplishments are an inspiration. Good for you! Hoping your submissions catch a publisher's eye. Rest up next month for the next round, huh?

    Barbara, glad you like the quote :-) Wishing you well on your next project. May the words flow!

    Cathy--Thanks. The picture was taken in Velden, Austria, in a little breakfast nook overlooking the lake. Have fond memories of the place :-) Good luck on your querying. I've been putting a list of agents together, too, and will be querying here soon.

  7. Hi Kenda, love both the picture and the quote!

  8. Ugh, I'm woefully behind on my revising goals. I've just taken on some reading for a critique partner and am putting that in front of my own goals for the moment, which is fine because I'm not on a deadline or anything and I think staying on top of that is so important. Still juggling my schedule with the new baby and trying to figure out the best way to find time for me :) Congrats on meeting your word count goals!
