
Friday, July 27, 2012

Summer Grab Bag, Library-Style

"Asked whether he liked books, Mark Twain said that he liked a thin book because it would steady a table, a leather volume because it would strop a razor, and a heavy book because it could be thrown at a cat." --Author Unknown

Library trips rarely turn out the way they're planned, do they? In a good way, of course. 

My list on a recent excursion to the closest branch included a bunch of historical fiction titles I've been wanting to read (and picture books I thought the little ones might enjoy). A quick search on our library's website had indicated the titles I targeted were on the shelf where I was headed. As so often happens, though, the books were already checked out upon my arrival.

Never fear. It didn't make me want to throw books. On the contrary, there are enough books crying "pick me!" to take their place, new releases, titles I'd never heard of, eye-catching covers, or a title from a familiar author not yet read. I came home with a stuffed bag, including four middle grades, four YAs, five picture books, and two poetry books. I had to pull myself away from the stacks or else I was going to have to find a wheelbarrow to get them to the car. 

In addition to the variety of genres in the pile, there was a wide variety of writing styles,too, including a novel-in-verse, first person POV, third-person past tense, third-person present, and--for the fun-lovin' lyrics--a rhyming book.

Yep, quite the grab bag. And, with all due respect to Mark Twain, I don't expect to use any of these books to steady a table or sharpen a razor. I plan to read them--and then go back for more

Been on any library binges yourself lately? What's in your grab bag of books?


  1. A trip to the library is never a smaill undertaking in my fmaily. Fortunately I have a large canvas bag that has held in there for a very long time. My favorite find lately? Kids book titles Sky Boys. Very well done.

  2. Sky Boys? Better add that to my list for the next library trip! Thanks, Rebecca :-)

  3. Going to the library is a little like going to the grocery store when you only need "a few things". Somehow I end up leaving with more than I planned! But that's not a bad thing, because the library doesn't cause me to spend more money when that happens. :)

    Have a lovely weekend!

  4. I hate to say this, but since I got my Kindle, I go to Amazon more often than the library! But that's mostly a time issue. I have been known to spend hours in the library. My husband and I even visit local libraries when we're on vacation. :)

  5. Libraries, of course, have everything. We need to put up a new deck, so I checked out a book on designing decks. I saw a couple of gardening books cross the circulation counter (coming in from check-out) and so I needed to take them home. I'm always finding new cookbooks at the library. I like to check them out first, and then, often, I'll end up buying a copy from Amazon. If I hoard anything in life, it's books.

  6. My daughter loves the library! We always end up reading a bunch of books while we're there and then going home empty-handed which is fine. At least she is enjoying the reading experience! I'm such a slow reader this summer myself though! right now I'm reading Eyes Wide Open by Andrew Gross. It's fantastic, I just have no time to read it!

  7. Karen--comparing the library to grocery shopping is so true. Impulse buying works the same way in a library, only it's free :-)

    Peggy, I don't have a kindle yet, though I do see it in my future. But I guess I look at that more as a utilitarian tool--I'll download books I've targeted, it's portable, not so heavy in luggage. But the library? I call that a treasure hunt!

    Cathy, so glad to hear from you--a book-loving librarian yourself! Browsing the shelves for project inspiration (or cooking) is always fun, too.

    Lisa--my daughter takes her kids to the library, too--for books to check out and also for the great children's programs they host. Those are really neat opportunities. They go one day a week for the four-year old, and another day for little brother who is 18-months. Oh, and she doesn't have enough time to read for herself either!

    Thanks, all, for joining in on the discussion...
