
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Photo-A-Day: March

"Ideas are the cheapest part of the writing. They are free. 
The hard part is what you do with the ideas you gathered." --Jane Yolen

Ideas, they just keep coming. Today marks the completion of my third month of taking a photo a day, and I'm really still into the fun of it. I look forward to what image each day will bring, what will be recorded either early in the day, while out and about, or when winding down in the evening. The beautiful (early) spring weather we've been having here in Ohio hasn't hurt the cause either.

But ideas? Several of the photos have sparked writing ideas, yes. Other images tug at me, but I've yet to determine where they're inviting me to go. I'm seeing more in the details, too: light and shadows, nuances, emotions, beauty, color, place, the unexpected.

Somehow, tho, this little project will take wings and fly. We just haven't booked the ticket yet...but we will!

As Marcia Wieder said, "One of your most powerful inner resources is your own creativity. Be willing to try on something new and play the game full-out."

Enjoy my March gallery. Any images speak to you?

What are you doing to fuel your creativity process?


  1. I love the bird that's almost hidden in the tree. I love the bright blue background, the new green leaves, and the bird looking out into the beyond, into freedom and possibility.

    I like most of the other images as well, but the desire for personal freedom is always my heart's desire.

  2. Gorgeous photos, Kenda! As usual, my favorites are the images of nature - the waterfall, the willow tree, that solitary cardinal making a red splotch against the neutral branches. (And that little boy is pretty darn cute, too!)

    I don't feel very creative these days. Work makes so many demands on my time, I'm not even getting much writing done. One thing that helps me is to keep a notebook handy to write down images and ideas that occur to me at odd moments. Then when I have time to write, I pull out my notebook and it gives me a starting point. Not as good as your photos, but it works - somewhat.


  3. I grew up with a weeping willow in my backyard. So that image brings back so many childhood memories. Love that image. :)

  4. OMGosh, these photos are so beautiful. I love them all. You should sell the rights to use them! They'd be a total hit.

  5. Peggy, your idea notebook is a very important tool. That way you have a source to go back to when time opens up for more writing. Wishing you some of that time soon--I know you thrive on it :-) Oh, and that "cute little boy"? That's my youngest grandson at 15 months, discovering worms in the water puddles!

    Karen, thanks for dropping by. I'm glad you like the willow. I, too, love how images evoke emotions and memories. Colors do that for me, too...

    And Kimberly, thanks so much for your kind words. I can't take all the credit on the pictures, tho. Some of the credit has to go to a fantastic little pocket camera, a Sony, that I bought last month. I wanted something more compact to carry with me. I love it. Most of the time all I have to do is point and shoot and it does the rest, though I do play around with some of the scene settings. It's been so much fun!

    On to April's photos....

  6. I love the pictures. The one that speaks to me is the little fellow discovering something. There's a short story just begging to be written :)

  7. I love love love photography. But interestingly, music does much more for fueling my writing.

  8. I love these pictures. I liked all of them, but especially the tulips and the waterfall in the brook. What you said about details in photography (nuance, etc. . . The unexpected, etc . . .) all applies to writing as well. So I'm sure your new art form will spill over into your writing. Writing and art have a way of enriching each other like that.

  9. I love your idea and your pictures. I can't do it because I can't take just one photo (and I'm assuming you don't take one picture, you take several pictures of one thing). I can easily spend at least an hour when I do a still life photo shoot, even if it is of just one flower.

  10. I think these are really great pictures, again! The heart one turned out well, of course the hands and the boy with the worm are my faves...:) But that first one of the cardinal is striking, and the vase with the shadow is really artistic. All of the flower ones are just beautiful, as well. You really have a talent for this! And who's reading the book? It's hard to tell, since it's a small image, is it Dad? That one is also very interesting!

  11. Thanks, everyone, for your comments.

    Catherine--glad you liked the one of the little guy, too--and yes, I do believe there's a story there somewhere :-)

    Rebecca--I sometimes listen to music when exercising, but not so much when writing. Maybe I should give it a try?

    Elizabeth--You have a good point, about how art and writing enrich each other. I agree. This has been an amazing project in that way for me. And I love how your comment "art form spilling out into writing" corresponds with the photo of the waterfall you said you like! Now when I look at that photo I'll see it as a metaphor for this project :-)

    Stina--Your point is well taken...Yes, sometimes I spend more time than I plan to on a photo, so I have to be careful not to take away from writing time. But, like writing, it's an exercise in discovery, so I hope I can continue to meet the goal of a picture a day :-) We'll see...

    And supermom! Thanks for your encouraging comments, and your votes--loved hearing which of the pictures you liked the best. Although, of course, you might be partial to the ones of the little guy, huh? And, yes, the hand holding the book is your dad's. The print is small so you probably can't tell, but he's reading a book about Cincinnati!
