
Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Importance of Punctuation

Help save lives...

The following was sighted recently on a bumper sticker (by my lovely daughter who passed it on to me--thanks, Melissa!)

'Nuff said!

Seen any killer punctuation recently? Or bumper stickers?


  1. I love this! My daughter saw it online a while back and we still joke about it. Haven't seen any punctuation quite this bad, but our local paper always has typos and misspellings. I joke about how the "Pardon Us" is a regular column.

    Have a great weekend,

  2. I just love this, Kenda. It makes me laugh.

  3. Cute! I do notice things like this but don't usually write them down for future reference (though maybe I will now)!

    My favorite (recent) bumper sticker was on a Mini-Cooper. It said "actual size." Years ago, my math teacher had a bumper sticker on his little VW that said "Made in Africa by Ants" - which I though was clever enough that I still remember it!

  4. This is great! I showed my husband and he didn't get it at first. Then he burst into shocked laughter. Thanks, Kenda :)

  5. Wow..hehe thats nice...I'm a copywriter, visiting you blog was a pleasure.


  6. I saw a sign for clothing for children gently used....

  7. I guess us writer-types get a kick out of such things, huh? I also get very sore when I find a grammatical error on written documents--official or not(the latest one was the usage of the word "it's" in the possessive...grrrrr!).
    One more thing--show me a Spanish translation of practically anything in a store, on sign, etc., and I'm bound to find something wrong with it. Drives me nuts! I almost thought it would be a "neat" activity to have my students go on a grammar error scavenger hunt...haha

  8. Thanks all, for stopping in--this was a fun piece to share. And supermom, I'm like you--especially in novels where I see that the copyediting is poor. Seems like some books are rushed to publication without really being crosschecked enough. That is irritating!

    I think you have a great idea there with a grammar scavenger hunt for your students. I think you should try it :-)

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