
Tuesday, May 24, 2011


"The secret of a happy life isn't buried in a treasure chest--it lies within your heart."--Author Unknown

We went on a treasure hunt yesterday--and ended the evening with far more treasure than a chest could ever hold.

Our granddaughter turned three (where has the time gone??) and to celebrate her birthday, we planned a treasure hunt complete with a treasure chest full of prizes--including bubbles, stickers, and books--for the little guests who had been invited along with the birthday girl. The chest was made out of a styrofoam cooler decorated with shiny yellow paper, ribbon, stickers and fake jewels purchased at the local craft store. Pretty cool, huh?

Since the tiny treasure hunters can't read yet, we printed out photos of the locations where they would find each successive clue--under the watering can, on the front steps, by Grandpa's truck. All led to the final hiding place, under the Colorado blue spruce. Lots of fun--we've probably set a new family tradition, although the idea originated with an activity we did years ago when Angelica's mommy (and my beautiful daughter) was a child, and we organized a treasure hunt for one of her slumber parties. And we wonder where traditions start!

Anyway, watching the children search for the prize made me stop and think about those things in life we celebrate as treasures. My hunt turned up the following quotes:

Home. "The home should be the treasure chest of living." --Le Corbusier

Family and Friends. "Family and friends are hidden treasures, seek them and enjoy their riches." Wanda Hope Carter

Kind words. "Many a treasure besides Ali Baba's is unlocked with a verbal key."--Henry Van Dyke

Children. "When you have a child, your previous life seems like someone else's. It's like living in a house and suddenly finding a room you didn't know was there, full of treasure and light." --Carol Ann Duffy

And, of course:

Books. "There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island." --Walt Disney

This is just a sampling. Add to that the joy of writing, the blogging community, and all those helpful writing tips so abundantly available. What treasures would you add to the box?


  1. Oh that is so cute, I love treasure hunts :)

  2. What a great idea! I'll bet that's a birthday party all the kids will remember.

    I would add Laughter. Because you can never have enough of it, and it's so easy to share.

  3. Oh what fun! You are a wonderful grandma! :) We used to do this kind of thing with our three children, and have continued it with our three year old grandson. There is no better tonic than spending time with the little ones. :)
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  4. Oh, my daughters love treasure hunts still (ages 15 and 11). The picture idea is a great one!

  5. These are great quotes! I'm thinking with this rainy weekend, my kiddos would love a treasure hunt!

  6. Hi to all--thanks for dropping by :-)

    Girl Friday, glad to know you like treasure hunts, too. They are such fun!

    Jen, I so agree with you about laughter. Here's a quote to go with it: "If love is the treasure, laughter is the key" (Yakov Smirnoff). True, true, true...

    Karen, tonic is right--the little ones sure do light up our lives :-)

    Andrea, our girls are never to old for treasure hunts!

    And Rebecca, glad to meet you--and thanks for the follow :-) I'm heading over your way now--if Blogger cooperates. It sure has been unpredictable these last few days, at least for me. Has anyone else had trouble with it?

  7. I think I had as much fun in the anticipation of the hunt as the birthday girl did in tearing through those clues in a matter of minutes!
    I'm so glad we did it. Thanks for all that you did in getting it ready! I love the quotes, too...especially on "home" and "children'. So true!
