
Thursday, March 17, 2011

When the Bags Are Packed

"Children are made readers on the laps of their parents." --Emilie Buchwald

Thanks to all who participated in my recent poll concerning book titles you would recommend for the upcoming Central Ohio SCBWI conference partnership's with Nationwide Hospital's Reach Out and Read Program (details here). The random drawing has taken place, and when I pack my bags for the conference, I will include these books:

Richard Scarry's Best Storybook Ever!
Thanks Karen, for refreshing my mind on this author. I read his books to my kids when they were little.

Don't Slam the Door, by Dori Chaconas.
Robyn suggested this author, and I am glad to be introduced to what looks like a great children's read.

Mathilda and the Orange Balloon, by Randall de Seve.
What a fun book this must be, judging by the reviews. Elizabeth Varadan suggested this one.

Some of the suggested book titles in the comments of my previous post were familiar to me, others new--and inviting. So inviting, in fact, I will be ordering my own copies--not only these three, but others you suggested--to put on my "grandchildren's" book shelf here at home, or to tuck away for future gifts. So this has been a profitable exercise in many ways. I can't wait to hold the books in my own hands...and then give them away.

Thanks for joining in on the quest to help make more readers!

"Babies are born with the instinct to speak, the way spiders are born with the instinct to spin webs. You don't need to train babies to speak; they just do it. But reading is different." --Steven Pinker


  1. I love that quote at the bottom. I try to read to my kids everynight. They absolutely love it. It's taken a long time, my 9 year old struggled with reading, but she's finally starting to read more on her own! I thought the struggle woudl never end ("I hate reading!") But she always loves me to read to her.

  2. I grew up on that first one. Great choice!

    And that last one sounds interesting. I need to look it up. :)

  3. Wonderful books. Have a great weekend!

  4. I guess my love for reading came from your dedication when I was little...I have fond memories of our times together reading through chapter books. And now it feels as natural as breathing, and that's why Angelica has always had more books on her bookshelf than toys in a chest, and I think she couldn't be she treasures her books.
    Do you remember "Early Bird?" A book I was reading to Angelica a lot months ago, it's a Richard Scarry book.

  5. Oh, I'm so glad you included Mathilda and the Orange Balloon. Thanks for linking back to me. Hope you enjoy the conference and the books!

  6. I LOVE that quote about children being made readers on the laps of their parents. It is so true!

    And I love supermomdoesn'texits comment. Just fabulous. :D


  7. I was delighted to see you chose my suggestion! There are so many good ones out there, but Richard Scarry's are at the top of my list. :) Thanks for adding a link to my blog. You are a sweetheart.
