
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Keep the Words Flowing

"If you're going to be a writer, the first essential is just to write. Do not wait for an idea. Start writing something and the ideas will come. You have to turn the faucet on before the water starts to flow." --Louis L'Amour

Just checking in...did you write all that you hoped for this past week? What are your writing plans for the upcoming week?

I won't be at the desk much myself in the next few days because of different things here and there, but I plan to keep the words flowing anyway--through journaling, entries in my "targets" notebook, freewriting some character sketches. Gotta' keep the faucet open so the words don't dry up!

What plans do you have to keep your words flowing in the new week ahead?


  1. I got a lot done on my revisions and hoping to dig deeper next week. Thanks for asking!

  2. Quiet weekend but super cold and windy here. Trying to stay warm with a fire. :O)

  3. Some fun research is on my agenda for the weekend~ character sketches too, though I don't know if I'll get to them :)

  4. I've been working away on revisions... but I haven't gotten as much done as I'd hoped. Hopefully next week will be better :)

  5. I didn't do much writing last week, but hope to catch up this week.

  6. I wrote up a schedule to finish up the novel in April so I'm gonna start working on a scene a day.

    Good luck with your writing.

  7. I didn’t do too shabby on my writing goals, thank you for asking. How do I plan on keeping up with what I plan to accomplish? Sticking to it. I’ve made a daily habit out of writing, so I sit down at my desk six days a week for a couple hours and usually manage anywhere from 500 to 1,500 words depending on how cooperative the muse is! *g*

  8. Love the quote! I didn't write that much, but I did a ton of research for my next book. It's so fun to figure out a new plot.


  9. This is a great quote! Sometimes, especially when you're in new places, you turn the faucet on and what comes out is surprising. One time, the water I saw came out colored! You don't always know where writing can take you, but it is exciting!


  10. Yes I did good. Finally killed off one of my favorite characters - officially ended book 3 even though I have 3 chapters on book 4 -didn't want to kill him, so I am proud of myself for doing it...finally. I should have sent out more querys...that was a fail -lol. Nice to meet you! new follower #59
