
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Teapot Spunk

          Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture by adding humor, and your picture begins to lighten up. --Allen Klein

I'm a little teapot, short and stout...Out of the blue, little Angelica sang this song without being prompted. It was so cute. Out of the blue, we sang a different tune when--because of an unfortunate cooking accident--we had to buy a new teapot.

Here is my handle, here is my spout...Maybe it isn't as cute as a two-year old's song, but our new teapot is bright--a spunky kind of lime green. It took some getting used to since I tend toward porcelain white, but it's now become my new favorite kitchen thingy. I've decided color is good.

When I get all steamed up then I shout...The other day I found a new favorite book in my current stack of library books (see previous post): The Unfinished Angel, by Sharon Creech (2009). The summary: "In a tiny village in the Swiss Alps, an angel meets an American girl named Zola who has come with her father to open a school, and together Zola and the angel rescue a group of homeless orphans, who gradually change everything."

Color fairly leaps off the page when dear Zola enters a scene. For example: "Zola, she is swooshing with her colorful skirts, three of them: red on top of green on top of blue; and two blouses, yellow over white; and violet leggings..." Don't you just want to hug this child?

Just tip me over and pour me out! Reading this book has inspired me in several ways. One is the desire to add color--pour some spunk--into my writing this upcoming week. Draw on the five senses and spice things up; add punch by showing not telling; tip the words and let them flow.

But first? First I have to learn how to revamp (revise?) the tea kettle's whistle. Man, it sounds more like a tornado warning siren. This was totally unexpected and came as a disappointing discovery.

Here's a cup of tea to you with wishes for a good week. What color do you hope to add to the days ahead?


  1. This book sounds really need. I'm going to add color to my writing as well. Good advice.

  2. I love the color of this teapot! I may just borrow it and add it to my days this week:)

  3. The tea kettle whistle is SCARY!!! Seriously, you'd think severe weather were on the doorstep every time that things goes off. *shudder*
    I've been adding color to the closet today--hanging up baby clothes!

  4. Love this post and love that teapot. I have been adding color to my writing. It needs a lot. And I think it's working. ;)

  5. I absolutely LOVE the color of your teapot! It caught my eye immediately. I also think you are clever the way you wrote your post! I forget to do color but when I do, I try to vary it and not use normal tones.

  6. Love this post, very unique in its approach!! Love the teapot color too, BTW. I love colors that PoP!

    Since attending the RWA conference a few weeks ago I've felt the same way as you about inserting the five senses into your writing. One workshop was on this topic, and although I did not attend it, the handouts from this class were very helpful. Made me wish I would have attended it- I probably could have learned even more than the handouts brought to attention.

    Have a great and productive week!

  7. Love your sage teapot! I have a bright red pot that sits on my stove 24-7 and it always brightens my day. =)

  8. What a creative way to share your newest kitchen addition! I love the way you explored the teapot idea.

  9. I nearly fell out of my chair! I replied to your comment that I was coming for a visit and had a hankering for tea! Whoa!

    I love white with a splash of color. I think we'd get along well. Great post!

  10. Thanks to all who dropped by with a comment! Wish I could have you all over for a cup of tea :-) And welcome, Sandra. That's too funny that you came for a visit with a hankering for tea--and found a teapot waiting here for you. Isn't this fun?!
