
Thursday, February 4, 2010

A February Flock

Don't assume you're always going to be understood. I wrote in a column that one should put a cup of liquid in the cavity of a turkey when roasting it. Someone wrote me that "the turkey tasted great, but the plastic cup melted."  --Hints from Heloise
They came back in full force today, those turkeys!

We've occasionally seen turkeys in the neighborhood. Off and on a few have gathered in the yard across from us. Once a flock of six strutted right down the middle of the road. But until yesterday, we had never seen this many. At least thirty brown gobblers pecked and preened in the neighbor's yard. Bill called me away from the office to take a look.

After oohing and aahing a bit, and figuring they'd be gone by the time I got my camera, I decided to go back to work. Bill told me later that the birds caused quite a stir and a few people driving by stopped to take pictures. He went to talk to one guy and discovered that he lived nearby. Not only that, he's lived in the neighborhood for over thirty years--just like us. And yet, until the turkeys, we'd never met.

The experience got me thinking about how much we writers tend to like our solitude--but how solitude should not define us. For we'd have nothing to write about if we stayed there! We need to meet people, see new places, experience new things--talk, laugh, love, encourage, engage. We may not always get the words right, nor always be understood, but our writing will be the better for it.

The turkeys came back this morning, giving me another chance. I grabbed my camera and dashed outside--and waved to my neighbors as I went.


  1. You have encouraged me! I have to fight to get out of my introvert-mode (there's nowhere I love to be more than in my office with the door tightly closed when I'm at in, now)
    and remember that it's when we branch out and take risks that we experience some of life's riches blessings. Then, of course, we writers tuck ourselves away behind closed doors to reflect and introspect again. And that's okay, I think...Love the geese story and the picture to boot!

  2. It comes full circle doesn't it--solitude, experiences, reflection to solitude again. But then the fun of writing about those experiences kicks in. So let's keep the cycles rolling!

    Thanks for your encouragement to me. It's fun to bounce thoughts back and forth. Glad you liked the story,too (except it's about turkeys--not geese!). Keep writing yourself :-)

  3. Right...hence the hilarious turkey quote at the beginning. You see, it's not always the author's fault when there is miscommunication. I'm laughing out loud at my mistake.
